Sunday, January 08, 2006

Romcoms with a twist

Happened to watch a couple of Nora Ephron movies recently: the classic When Harry Met Sally and the famous Sleepless in Seattle. My earlier exposure to her was the widely known You've Got Mail. Though all of them are basically romantic comedies, they have an interesting twist -- falling in love after knowing each other for a very long time, long-distance love and e-mail love. [I was a bit surprised to find out that she's in her 60s!]

All three movies featured Meg Ryan as heroine. She's cute definitely, but I felt she was not really the best suited for all of them. Her character seemed almost the same in both 'Sally' and 'Mail'.

In addition to pairing with Tom Hanks, You've Got Mail did have some sequences similar to 'Seattle'. Same writer, same actors (now bigger stars), same premise of communicating without seeing each other -- I guess Ephron couldn't resist it.

WHMS is, of course, a movie that comes along only once in a while. In addition to brilliant writing, Billy Crystal was a big reason for the success of the movie.

While watching 'Seattle', I was reminded of another movie that I caught recently: Serendipity. The plot was interesting, but now it seems like many sequences have been lifted straight out of Sleepless in Seattle. I was already not so impressed by the movie, which was dampened by what I thought was bad choice of lead actors.


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